It's C.O.O.L. to be Smart. An entertainment program using interviews, documentaries, podcasts, and videos to highlight the achievements of people in various career fields providing exposure to ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
Entrepreneur 101: How to Start a Business.
Mission = Goal. Passion. Superpower (GPS): A Workshop to communicate how to align your Mission with your Goals.
Music as a Conversation: Our Music as a Conversation Program, allows people to create music and poetry to spark dialogue.
Mobile Studio: Designed to use music as a vehicle of expression to connect others. Our Music as a Conversation Program, allows people to create music and poetry to spark dialogue.
What you Must Know about Technology: Social Media, Cloud, Data and AI.
Empowerment Days: Aligning Professionals to empower each other to grow, develop, learn and share personal and workplace experiences to challenge each other to step into our greatness.
Allyship: Teaching how to create allies within an organization.
Diverse Conversations: Teaching organizations how to engage in thoughtful diverse dialogue.
Building Real Estate Moguls: Teaching people the keys to understanding, investing, and owning real estate.
Debt Freedom: Teaching people how to achieve debt freedom.
Inventors and Presenters: Fostering relationships with creatives, investing in inventors, and developing presentation skills to raise funding and build businesses.
S.T.E.A.M. Awareness and Programming: Providing Consulting and Programming for S.T.E.A.M. education, workshops, camps, and after school programs.